What is Shuttle City?

The Digital Dimension of Passenger Transport
The main purpose of this project is to manage transfers and drivers in a controlled manner. Reservations coming from your website can be automatically processed into the system alongside having the ability to track customers, safes, debt receivables and invoices. And you can do all these operations independent of time, place and platform. Our project works with ease in the phone, tablet and computer environments. In addition, with the entry permit you give to your drivers, they can see their own plans. Your drivers can process their trips into the system.
  • Monthly Transfer Calendar.
  • Cash Desk Tracking.
  • Driver Debit-Credit Tracking.
  • Time Interval Based Income Report.
  • Daily Transfer Calendar
  • Cash Transfer Tracking.
  • Graphical Reporting Interface.
  • Customer Reservations
  • Cost Tracking.
  • Customer Debit-Credit Tracking.
  • Weekly Transfer Calendar.
  • Time Interval Based Driver Cost.
  • Troubled Customer Tracking.
  • Authorized Entry Permission for Intended Personnel.


Do Not Waste Time to Try the System
Track all your transfer records, your debt receivables between you and your drivers and customers through this system.Thus you can reach your schedule and destination from anywhere. And at the same time, turn on this system to your drivers and enable them to follow their own trip information. At the same time you can invoice the transfers on demand.
  • Easy Management with Computer.
  • Easy Management with Tablet.
  • Easy Management with Phones.
  • Quick and Easy Use.

What do You Need?